Low male potency can be split family relationships. The only drug use to gain erectile function, for example, buy viagra, but by opening a particular food, daily menu. Enhance existing products, male aphrodisiac that affects an organism instantly. Of food that contains a vitamin complex instantly increasing an erection. They promote continuous revenue impacts of small pelvis.
The product should contain:
- Seafood, fish, bonito, sea bass, oysters, octopus. Oysters that produce male hormone action, they rank right aphrodisiac. This shellfish contains zinc, testosterone production is stimulated the body needs amino acids that increase the amount of sperm activation.
- Enriched Oyster, dopamine, premature ejaculation deterrent. The spring semester shellfish breeding high numbers of food items, reinforcement strength. Best to use raw seafood by adding lemon juice to improve the taste of food. Oyster contraindicated men with a weakened immune reaction, boleyushi I diabetes, gastritis, parity, low acid.
- Halibut is known for its taste. It affects you, erection, activity, or sexual activity. Contains a large amount, vitamins, amino acids, nutrients,.
- Equipped with plenty of heat mackerel fatty acids Omega-3 and 6. These components enhance the synthesis of active testosterone male sexual quality. The effects of the increasing power of the element phosphorus.
- Cicurina (stomach camel) - effectively increases an erection in men, harmless to human effect like Viagra. The problem is, to get it quite a difficult task. A powerful tool, which has asked to the male population for long. Capable of cicurina is to develop a composition gives high quality sperm men, I feel a joy he POPs in the bar for 50 years. This product weight peas enough food for 2-4 gr. Good use 30 minutes before sexual contact. Food tincture, Gulf 0,5 liter vodka, sychuzhiny 100 gr. Soak in a dark place for 15 days.
- In the first place among vegetables turnips. It is full of vitamins, amino acids, which provides a useful effect secretion, improve the composition of sperm. Strengthen the libido and vegetable seeds throughout. Add boiled turnips as a side dish with the main meal. The mixture was boiled turnips, carrots, and received a paste by adding equal amounts of honey and meal, 1/3 Cup for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Turnip is contraindicated attracting people, cholecystitis, hepatitis, diseases of the nervous system.
- Meat dishes - bulk diet for men. Product is a protein, energy, body, contribute to the formation of, thyroxine, joins intracellular oxidative reactions, supports nerve centers, high levels of anxiety. Useful lean meat, horse meat, beef, pork, rabbit, lamb, Turkey, chicken. Gourmet frog legs recommend. Weather rooster, bull bar or toast with minced meat with the addition of testicular pheasant, Juniper - occupiers a suitable place for an exotic diet. In the East men have eaten Dog meat, flavored slow blood and oil. The effects of food are striking.
- Nuts strengthen safely power all classes. Them the situation complex vitamins, zinc, magnesium, all of which affect the urinary system. Engages in activity tutorial useful for erectile arginine, nitrogen oxides, directly excellent, the erection improved of aging.
- All kinds of vegetables, beets, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, parsley, dill, garlic, onions, and many other enrichment contributes to the body of vitamins, strengthen libido, strengthen immune strength.
- Chocolate, dates, almond desserts, of privilege, but women and the male is helpful for the body. Alkaloid theobromine is similar to caffeine, emotion provokes sexual impulse, love, libido hand.

To get included for all products that are listed on the menu, it's not the required dose, a wrong result and does not aggravate existing diseases.