Ivan-tea (fireweed) have a lot of the most useful features for male reproductive health.



This plant is the organism correctly prepared a beverage of many things:

  • vitamins (especially A, B group, with a fireweed citrus leaves any more);
  • polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates), Non-a good source of energy;
  • participating in the blood produce both organic acids and phytotherapy operating system antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • flavonoids help in preventing prostate cancer lesions;
  • alkaloids, central nervous system stimulant that affects the pelvic organs of blood to a business in a hurry.

The named ingredients and plant capable of producing more than 30 different trace elements, cleaning the body toxins and other harmful substances, additives generally to stimulate the renewal and rejuvenation for the body's immune system struggling with a very different disease, and – most importantly – back sexual activity of healthy men. Ivan-tea makers, a male body, follow these steps:

  • settings the normal flow of foreign exchange transactions;
  • optimized functions the endocrine system (thyroid and adrenal gland);
  • provides a healthy business on the part of the reproductive system, in particular, testis;
  • required with a hormonal background of the skin in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone;
  • affects the nervous system, The effects of attraction, stress, and nervous surge common cause psychological impotence.

Effects Ivan-Tea is achieved the ability to warn him of the potency, study, prostate symptoms lesions facilitate growth and inhibit the production of tumor have a positive impact on all organs and systems of Education responsible for the erection.

The city's exposure, hormonal background and their abilities strengthen, fireweed helps fill in the walls of blood vessels, sexual organs, blood and encouragement of continuous erection.


Accurate-based drink Ivan-tea against impotence and diseases successfully in many men, prostate cancer, as well as to help save vigor in advanced age, and representatives of the stronger sex the sexual sphere. Fireweed helps to strengthen potency for men's health and improve the quality of sexual life. Apply Ivan tea power there are two recommended methods:

  • in the form of infusion;
  • in the form of decoction.

Ivan infusion Tea is prepared:

To get dried crushed leaves (1 teaspoon) pour boiling water (350 ml).

The mixture to bake 13-15 minutes, then drain and wait a bit for him to give up.

Ready to drink an infusion of two doses in a single day.

Total Course Length must be at least 30 days to accept medicinal tincture. Again and again 30-45 days after expiry of their required break treat.

Be sure to follow dosage recommendations and duration, import tools, violation of rules will lead to serious consequences.

More concentrated the boiling tool, so you should get it with a more strict observance dosage:

Buy the dried fireweed leaves (2 tablespoons) boiling water (350 ml).

Boil the mixture and a quarter hours after turning off the water to give 90 minutes of fire brew.

We need the equipment ready, drain, cool, and take 1 tablespoon three times a day

Fireweed preferably boiling consume, eat just before dinner.



Prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy one of the main reasons for the weak force. There is a separate treatment for this disease is a man's recipe:

Get crushed dried fireweed leaf and root into equal pieces (10 gr.), pour boiling water (175 ml).

Simmer for 1 hour to the export tool, then drain and cool.

Take 1 tbsp of juice ready. l three times a day.

This tool is used when it is received and infusion of Ivan-tea struggling to disorders, sexual region (especially impotence) there is one important rule that must be followed: 30-45 days after 30 days break should be treated.

Attention! A dec treat to allow yourself to relax and you can try setting up the function of the male body, urogenital system and the reproductive system.


Strict contraindications for the use of the Ivan-tea does not have in order to strengthen male potency, but in the form of decoctions are boiled and this tool should be used with caution:

  • if you have problems with high blood clot;
  • a blood clot;
  • a thrombophlebitis;
  • destination is a disease.

To struggle with impotence problems drinking fireweed absence data that could be almost any restrictions, except for the dosage. Regular daily doses in excess of current and perhaps a manifestation of side effects in the treatment of more than 30 days:

  • a stomach disorder;
  • corruption, and liver.
  • intestinal outages.

This is very important! Should be considered before you begin to prevent unexpected health problems, consult your doctor.