How are hemorrhoids aphrodisiac male: relationship

A disease in itself brings many difficulties and discomfort, but also sexual of these effects system. Depending hemorrhoids whether hemorrhoids and might affect the power to remedy these fundamental questions and to increase the chances of a male described in the article.

potency in men

Whether it is the power of connection between hemorrhoids?

An extraordinary question: "effects of hemorrhoids in men the potency of it?" because every male is an important part of quality of life and a sex life. Hemorrhoids are some experts reflection of men's sexual health. Actually a negative effect, it sounds really.

First revealed in the process remains unnoticed and discomfort hemorrhoids their effect on the body. Environmental factors subtracted insignificant on negative emotion: "lay", "he was in bad shape," hope to fix it myself or I want. Hemorrhoids any effect on the feel of a man in the strength of the current stage, are as sexually active as possible. As it progresses the inflammatory response, exacerbating the visible, sensible she can't bear the pain.

Involved in the process of sex, the crotch and groin muscles. Hemorrhoid disease is the pain less when you are prompted Nov tension. This phenomenon inevitably leads to the effects that male mental and emotional health. The deterioration of the pain and reduced income because of the erection of urge. Sometimes erection through middle income.

This disease also lowers the immune system and affects other organs of the urogenital system, why emerging disease risks. Prompted and in the development of prostatitis, adenoma of the prostate gland or the violation is inevitably coming in a human body, a system of sexual harm.

Of course, the above-presented information, easy to understand effects, on hemorrhoids power. His impact was extremely negative. Male sexual acts that brings pleasure and satisfaction, why a strong discomfort. For men worth, depression, lethargy power – this is normal if you have the disease.

Hemorrhoids have the potential to affect?

Imagine that are connected to each other, hemorrhoids, and genitourinary system, the processes required when you are prompted to pathological of the books, it's a disease. The indirect effect of this disease, strength, and the anal hole, the inflammation of sexual organs it didn't.

The erection occurs of deterioration, negative feelings, tension, muscles, perineum. Psychological impotence less libido in men itself.

What effects of hemorrhoids in men, erectile dysfunction the effects of the disease directly:

problems with potency
  • it brings the pain in the process of sex, especially during orgasm;
  • way emotional deviations. Men's lives because of the pain, horror, thriller, as is well known, fear is the enemy of erection;
  • sexual violation may result involving the urinary system function;
  • function has a negative effect on the digestive system associated with constipation. Stomach and in the rectum there is a heavy influence all the aspects of life of a person.

Why pain during sexual intercourse a male provokes the desire to avoid frustration when faced with shame, pain and bad memories. Over time, the impulse is frequently evolving to prevent sexual intercourse and sex becomes irregular and sparse. Of psychological issues has a great role and, accordingly, this area can be neglected.

Obviously, the strength of the effects of hemorrhoids and strong enough in a negative way.

Which actions to improve potency hemorrhoids?

This treatment is recommended for all patients with an action the doctor everything. The doctor will diagnose a situation and find out a way that will help human. Quite many men, except for rehabilitation pain syndrome, the other with a psychologist if you need to keep.

All patients with proctologist throws, lifestyle and nutrition. Diet therapy plays an important role for chronic ailments there are.

Advisable to take into account these features power:

  • to add wheat to your diet, fish and meat dishes, honey, potatoes, and cauliflower consume 2 litres of water a day;
  • diet except mustard, beans, Chili Peppers, spicy foods and white bread.

That will help to make your diet a dietitian in a more detailed way. Nutrition is as important as that of the normalization process should be directed to ensure smooth bowel movement have a bowel movement.

Important advice, compliance, maintaining high standards of hygiene. Washed in cold water with a damp cloth often to spend standing in the case or delete a person it's not a house.

Vintage folk healers recipes

Treating hemorrhoids is made of for a long time, including public methods. Recipes a number of paramedics, the judge, previously to the emergence of traditional medicine, and still use them. To reduce risks, preferably to spend a proctologist recommend. If you are careful bleeding. Methods of traditional medicine practice during 5-7 days.

Numerous recipes permission a viable option for different patients. Treatment folk remedies is often used:

  • wick potatoes. And different ease of use the tool effectively. Rectum night we're doing fresh potatoes, apricot oil for the skin outer cover;
  • onion. It has a healing effect, onion and water. It is recommended to drink 1 h. l. 3 times/day;
  • apples, carrots and grapes to eat cheese;
  • swallowing, cloves, garlic, you do not need to clean them. Garlic I've learned not completely, Karlovy masses just go along with it. At least the output that will affect the rectum, the swiftest recovery of tissue damage with the aim to provoke this;
  • it's a serum. You need to accept 200-400 1 ml once a day;
  • white cabbage. Consumed to recommend him if you are bleeding hemorrhoids. Recommended to enrich the diet of this vegetable or drink 400 ml brine then Maya.
power for vehicles

Sitz baths

Popularly known as many recipes for a bathroom. The most efficient and popular different:

  • with double chamber without onion juice, and milk. This basin, thick-walled (preferably clay) is poured into 0,5 l milk, clothes and then a 4 bulb. Service is slow fire and cover the mixture set. To clear the bowel before using this prescription, the appropriate standard enema. To prepare the region then steamed, hemorrhoids, holding onto capacity. This recipe for internal hemorrhoids can be treated in 7-10 days;
  • cold tub. In a container filled with 1 liter water should be cold, but it's like ice. Should you buy, sitting in a bathtub. The duration of the transaction – 1-5 minutes. Perform import bathrooms 2 times a day: once before going to bed and another 5-7 days. You can add a few in order to improve the therapeutic properties of manganese, mortar color to make pink;
  • if you have applied the medication on a tincture, not only dental disease. It is intended for a sedentary life for plants with reservoir, 7 days. The procedure takes 10 minutes.

Increased hemorrhoids should be fixed cones and their inability of their choice as a breakthrough. Use a compress to improve the situation based on oats and bran. The biggest benefit to coming when it is applied as hot. If you blow them, they will be stacked on vehicles with liquid tannin.

It takes time for treatment to avoid the negative effects of the disease busy, it again helps to avoid psychological trauma and a healthy potency.

How correct hemorrhoid treatment at home

If you've ever tried to get rid of hemorrhoids in your own home? Apparently, read this article – victory is not on your side. And, of course, is what I know first hand:

  • once again see blood on the paper;
  • the idea of waking up in the morning with swollen and reduce bumps;
  • hike every pain Toilet discomfort, unpleasant itching or burning sensation;
  • again and again, hope for success, expect the results with excitement and sad, unproductive of a new drug.