Unique tobacco addiction, is harmful to the body. A pity that affects even a small number, it wont. Why the slow action of the basic components, tobacco. It may take a decade or poison distribution. Even these men, concierge, smoking the strength of such effects, and this is not an obstacle, start smoking. Some are not even aware of IT, risk erection problems in the future.
Male aphrodisiac effects smoking
I don't see a direct connection to the power and smoked cigarettes. This only starts one person addicted to nicotine, and heavy smokers. Two of those reasons:

- it has a direct effect hormonal background and sexual function the effect of cigarettes smoked;
- the negative effects of tobacco on the body a couple of years of development time it takes, what action the possibility of nicotine does not allow to perform sexual intercourse.
How smoking affects a person after years of the potency difference. This means that the nicotine and tar tobacco smoke (it contains all the ingredients together) an adverse action by the body after falling to his first. The result is, potency and smoking are incompatible.
Of action of nicotine in the body
Nicotine - these are chemical compounds of natural origin (alkaloid). That are included leaves of plants, Solanaceae. This is, first and foremost, tobacco. Others (e.g., tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, peppers), a part of him can be neglected as small concentrations nicotine. Foreign matter of nicotine to the human body. Is synthesized. Specific neural receptors alkaloid studies because the structure of incentive. Therefore nicotine is named.
Nicotine receptors in many parts of the organism. Cord and peripheral ganglia, motor neurons in this brain area (i.e., neurons go to the spinal cord, brain, skeletal muscles). All the good response to acetylcholine and nicotine. The first noticeable, synapses, neurons, and between neurons takes the field immediately. Only the cells in the fluid that surrounds nicotine there secretly. Large amounts of nicotine cigarettes therefore required for toxic effects on development.
The danger lies, and the essence of tobacco, such as smoking might affect and endocrine systems Man. The dose of nicotine, a cigarette in your hand, a small development of toxic effects. The flow of substances into the body slowly poison habit and routine. Intervention able normal metabolism of nicotine. This means that a person contribute to the development of toxic lesions, the body's own.
Smoking and testosterone in men
Nicotine may directly affect testosterone levels. This algorithm in action:
- nicotine through the lungs and penetrates the bloodstream quickly;
- flowing blood;
- nicotine epithelial damage small ships;
- inflamed epithelium
- a broken normal blood circulation, a pressure increase will occur;
- changes that would affect the blood flow in the cells.

Testosterone production expense account the synthesis of tissues, testis. Metabolism is directly related to the level of the hormone concentrations. Why reduce him to a working result weakening the fabrics. So, the hormone levels decrease. Everything is extremely slow. For example, under ideal conditions, able to cause his constant consumption of nicotine dysfunction, testicular into consideration if it is after 20-30 years of age,the negative factors the external environment. They are capable of doing it themselves to reduce the level of testosterone production.
The effect of smoking reproductive system
Action of nicotine and toxic smoke of all reproductive-related factors, number one.
- Throughout the property leads to a decrease in testosterone production.
- If nicotine and tobacco toxins, is a violation of testicular and prostate cancer.
- Addiction, weakens the immune system, an organism that consumes resources.
- Tobacco weakens your libido (libido).
- The effects of nicotine poisoning, sperm, reduce the chance of fertilization.
Smoking and erectile dysfunction
The effect of smoking the erection of the same mechanisms. Lowering testosterone in the first place. Decisive for the formation of this hormone, erection, appearance you desire. Drink on a rooted system, space, cause chronic inflammation, the walls of the arteries, atherosclerosis and promote. Functions of the external iliac artery reduced the disease hits the male genital organs (penis, testicles, prostate). Therefore, a significant adverse effect of smoking male aphrodisiac.
Non-the potency of such effects
Besides nicotine, tobacco smoke contains a lot of other components. Among these, resins and heavy metal compounds comprehensive. The first violation, a public metabolism that leads to a decrease in the synthesis of sperm . The second reason is the possible tumor diseases. In addition, dose-compounds, heavy metals is not important. Perhaps only one atom in existence is the effect on the development.
Impotence smoking
Impotence occurs, as a direct result of iliac artery in the vascular system. This is the blood vessels to nourish all the branches to the male sexual organs. A fully functional character impotence as it wears consists of a small amount of testosterone. A defeat to the same place or direct blood vessels to the penis. Disorders that are associated with impotence then erection.
Does it affect power on electronic cigarette
The mechanisms of action of electronic and conventional cigarettes are similar . Both the concept of nicotine. Electronic cigarette-free of tar and heavy metals. Many lung elements. We do not yet fully understand these effects on the body. Up something unique, just electronic cigarettes, almost the same as the force of their impact, it's normal.
Influence power on hookah
Answer ― yes. Though there has not been a private research, tobacco, kalyan used contains the same (sometimes more) dose of nicotine. To the contrary, the temperature within normal cigarettes inhaled his smoke, as well as concentration of substances. IMA combustion products and cooling water in the hookah will filter through design examples. Important quality tobacco, hookah.

How the power back after smoking
Smoked cigarettes Health the sexual sphere has not changed since then. There is a situation when smokers permanent erectile dysfunction, says about the development of an organic change. Recovery and strength, and according to the resulting outcome includes:
- smoking cessation;
- recovery of the metabolic and the reproductive organs;
- harmony rules for a healthy life;
- no bad habits.
The information presented in an article in the nature discovery wears. The materials the article in the call to treat on your own. Only a qualified doctor make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations to a patient on the basis of specific individual properties.