Today, almost every male any less unhappy his penis sizes. In this case, interestingly, with the representatives of the stronger sex and the ones who want to enlarge the penis is usually quite impressive dimensions (13 to 17 cm). Intimate plastic surgery for lengthening and thickening process is among the most popular of all kinds of masculinity.

Penis extension
Next technology is used to increase the length of penis. First, a package that supports an organ to the doctor, then to secure a new position. Therefore, it must be hidden under the men's section and at intervals of approximately 3-4 cm pubis, the penis.
After surgical intervention to representatives of the stronger sex, you have to wear an expander and 2 hours every day starting with the first day, and then gradually increasing the time she wears 6-8 hours. Men in this situation should not occur, the sensation of pain. Also, the apparatus necessary for the foreskin of the penis under the belt, follow the fall. To use the extender properly if child-bearing stretching of the organ to the Middle feeling.
Using the extender length increases, gradually wearing it for a period of time, about 5 mm, 10 days. Under no circumstances in a hurry because it can have serious negative consequences that this may cause. You will operate on the final result after only six months, but this will continue a lifetime.
In operation, the extension, the penis only takes 30-40 minutes. This is a simple process, easy to handle by an experienced plastic surgeon. Endoscopic equipment during operation as a result of the Applied Control, which is visualized with vessels and nerves.
A man in the hospital another day for you, then you may return home. After about 10-12 days back seams to take back to the clinic. But if you use absorbable suture material, you can skip this step. Remember, sexual contact during the rehabilitation period exclude.
Due to the ability to process opportunity elongation penis using her tissues can be stretched. So who is to share in the application of artificial cells, a much faster start, power lifting, and at what cost in the way of increasing mass and volume and length too the return of the child-bearing organ of the original value. Increase the length of such a path, affect, physiology, and quality of a particular feature is the angle of the erection members. In addition, continue at the same level, and the emotional component of the body.
Penis thickener

The success of the operation depends on the plastic for a sincere male genital, experience and skills is a surgeon. If done correctly, the effect continues for many years, the plastics, otherwise the thickening effect already after six months and again descends treatment clinic. It doesn't take long, the guy in just one day to spend in hospital. Plastic items for 5 weeks then completely any sexual contact.
Penis thickening techniques and the essence lies in injecting into the skin under a special material. This may be synthetic fillers, your own fat or a gel. As it melts slowly can be called the biggest disadvantage of this method, the material or the carriage of an organ in the body. Therefore, it is better to give preference alone, the following three methods.
The first method used in the filler flap, seized a flat on abdominal muscles, vascular pedicure. So, for a frame member under the skin of the body presence in the cave. Result the result you get a guaranteed full-blood circulation.
In essence, a technique to use a special artificial material, the second matrix, the cells contributing to the compartmentalization of organ tissue, resulting in increases the volume to accelerate and inject him tel cavernous of the penis diameter.
The third way under the skin of your ima promotional filler (filler) using inject. Such a manipulation takes about half an hour. That is performed under local anesthesia. Rehabilitation period is short, the guy already can return within a few days, a normal sex life. However, the effect of the injection is maintained for a long time, six months you must repeat the procedure.
Possible complications penis enlargement operations
The most common early (for the first few weeks after the procedure) complications can be called after the operation: bleeding, pain, erection, wound infection, prolonged swelling, sexual organ, the penis head is a temporary or permanent reduction in sensitivity. Late complications include operations such as: shortening of the sexual organ, changing the angle of the erection (because of the connective member supporting an erection at the intersection, looking down and forward or down), erectile disorders, suction or necrosis (dead) entered the tissue of the penis under the skin, imbalance and a member of "breaking" during sexual intercourse, decreased sensitivity to both the head of the penis, its curvature, and distortion. It should be noted that more than 50% of cases the results of surgery in a patient not perfect.

Penis enlargement using many of the stronger sex able to process it to get rid of complexes, their self-confidence and make you develop your sexual life more colorful. This kind of treatment won't last long, but, in spite of this, it is considered technically complicated and should be done only by qualified surgeons in a hospital setting hardware.